Discover How a Superhero Plumber Can Save Your Family with Access to Clean Water

Home | Discover How a Superhero Plumber Can Save Your Family with Access to Clean Water

What’s more important than your family’s health? Nothing, right? That’s why it is essential to have a solid relationship with a plumber that you trust. Your plumber plays a pivotal role in your family’s ability to have access to one of the cornerstones of good health- clean water.

In addition to this, your plumber is integral in your efforts to reduce your water footprint. Not only does reducing water waste lower your bills, it is good for the environment too. Here is how your plumber helps.

Plumbers Bring Safe Water for all

Drink WaterAlthough water is well treated here in Woodland, CA, if your plumbing is compromised, there is danger of water contamination during delivery from the source to your taps. The biggest threat could be what your pipes are made of.

If your pipes are older, there is a good chance that they contain lead. Lead leaches into your water, which can make you ill. If you discover that you’ve got lead pipes, you need to replace them with PVC or with copper for better health.

Also consider having your pipes inspect. If the pressure in your pipes isn’t balanced, damage can happen and backflow can occur as a result. During backflow, water flows in the opposite direction from what it should. Clean water becomes contaminated.

How Your Plumber Helps You Conserve Water

Water ConservationOne of the greatest water wasters is plumbing leaks. Your plumber jump starts your water conservation by fixing your plumbing leaks promptly. You can help with this by keeping your eyes open for plumbing leaks.

Other than the obvious signs of pooling water, watch for things like mold growth, an unexplained hike in your water bills and the sound of rushing water in the walls, even when taps are turned off.

Your plumber can also help by installing eco-friendly plumbing fixtures. Dual flush toilets let you decide how much water you really need.

Motion sensor faucets let you save water when you are brushing your teeth and washing your hands. Low flow showerheads provide a steady, strong stream of water, but reduce waste significantly.

Health Issues Due to Unclean Water

Stomach Pain SickUnclean water can make you very sick, and it doesn’t take very long. Within 24 to 48 hours after you’ve consumed it, you are at risk for a host of thing like hepatitis A, E. coli and salmonella, cancer, liver and kidney disease, ear and eye infections and more.

Generally, the initial reaction is flu-like symptoms, but it can develop into something much more serious. That’s why you need to protect yourself properly.

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